Those looking for intriguing coffee twists are spoilt for choice in Indonesia. Besides kopi joss, there are other coffee variations to try. There’s kopi jahe, ginger coffee that comes with a kick, mixed with palm sugar, and is believed to be good for alleviating flu symptoms.
There’s also kopi bumbu, another spiced coffee flavoured with cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. Finally, kopi sereh makes use of an ingredient favoured in many Indonesian dishes – lemongrass. Lemongrass coffee is said to bring a sense of freshness and vigour to the body.
Travellers can get the chance to explore the different types of coffee available in Indonesia on tours with Dimas and our other guides. Our guides are always full of cultural insights to share with travellers, and try to incorporate moments of discovery – like kopi joss – into our itinerearies wherever possible.
Take a look at our Indonesia itineraries here.